The Board Meeting for Sunrise Homeowners Association was held on March 30, 2020.
Board members in attendance for the meeting were Kim, Dave, Tom and Woody. Tim
was absent. Kat Betts, the representative from the Management Company was also in
attendance. This message was done via Zoom virtual meeting due to COVID-19.
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was officially called to order at 6:05 pm.
MINUTES: The February meeting minutes were reviewed. Motion by Dave, seconded
by Tom to accept. All approved.
FINANCIALS: The Board reviewed all expenses and income for February 2020.
There was a concern in regards to the snow removal expenses, Kat will send all invoices
from October to March so the Board can review. Motion by Tom to approve, seconded
by Kim. All approve.
WEBSITE/EMAIL MANAGEMENT: This is up and running as it should. Woody
will send Kat receipts for reimbursement for expenses to the hosting company that he had
BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT: We did receive 3 bids, Earl May, Tree Shrubs and
More and Sun Valley. Woody will reach out to TS&M to see if they can provide a bi
monthly maintenance program for weeding etc. Kat will reach out to SunValley to have
them provide a line item bid so it can be compared apples to apples. Kat will send over
to the Board and by Friday April 3, 2020 the Board will make a decision by email. Kat
will also reach out to the sprinkler company so they can mark the sprinkler heads so the
landscaping company can identify where they are at.
HOLIDAY LIGHTS/YARD OF THE MONTH: Kat composed a guideline for this
program. The Board reviewed and there are a few corrections that Kat will make and
send back to the Board for final approval.
NEW BUSINESS: Yard sale will be cancelled this year due to COVID-19.
BOARD MEETINGS: Next board meeting is April 21, 2020 at 6pm via Zoom.
Adjourned at 7:10 pm motion by Dave.