APRIL 21, 2020
The Board Meeting for Sunrise Homeowners Association was held on April 22, 2020. Board members in attendance for the meeting were Kim, Dave, Tom and Woody. Tim was absent. Kat Betts, the representative from the Management Company was also in attendance. The meeting was held by Zoom Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19.
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was officially called to order at 6:00 pm.
MINUTES: The March meeting minutes were reviewed. Motion by Kim to approve as written, seconded by Tom, all approved.
FINANCIALS: There were no financials to review at this time.
HOLIDAY LIGHTS/YARD OF THE MONTH: The final version is completed and will be placed on the Sunrise Website for homeowners to view.
OLD BUSINESS: The review of contractors for the Beautification project has been completed. Tree Shrubs and More is the contractor that was awarded the Bid. Woody will reach out to the to start the project. Pro Turf will be doing the bed maintenance on this project.
Kat will reach out to the sprinkler company and have them reach out to Tom when they turn the sprinklers on to ensure that the new landscaping gets water.
There was a glitch in the email system and still had Hugo on there, this has since been fixed.
Kat will reach out to Keith Main in regards to the mowing for the 2020 season.
Kat will also work with the insurance agent on the policy. Are there items that can now be deleted since the HOA has been annexed by the City. Kat will report to the Board when she gets those answers.
There is also no need for snow removal any longer since the City will now be responsible for the sidewalks.
NEW BUSINESS: Tim Jones has put his home up for sale. Motion by Dave to have him removed from the Board, seconded by Kim, all approved. The remaining members can choose a new board member to fill his spot until the next annual meeting.
There was discussion of an inground pool that was installed without and ACR form being submitted. Kat will check with the City to see if permits were pulled and send a letter to the homeowner in regards to submitting an ACR.
BOARD MEETINGS: Next board meeting is May 21, 2020 at 6pm
Adjourned at 6:40 pm motion by Dave.