The City of Bellevue plows your street. Please contact the Bellevue Streets Department with all comments/concerns at 402.392-3126. To report on line go to  When it snows and a snow emergency has been declared, it is your responsibility to remove vehicles from the street. If a vehicle remains on the street, plowing may not occur on your street at that time and your street will be bypassed until the snow plow can safely plow the street.  Also remember that you need to clear around any fire hydrants in your yard for your safety and your neighbors safety in case of fire.

P.J. Morgan and the Board of Directors will provide each homeowner with an annual expense report at the Annual meeting. In addition information is being added to this site to provided better visibility to any expenditures from HOA funds.

Access the page with the Architectural Change Request (ACR) form to fill out and submit to HOA Board of Directors for review. The intent is to ensure there is a consistent and uniform appearance on all lots that benefits the neighborhood. Requests are usually approved within a week but please allow up to 30 days for review and approval of your ACR. Work cannot begin until your request has been approved.

The HOA diligently works with the HOA Attorney to collect delinquent dues. Recently, liens were filed on many whose accounts were past due. Homeowners not only were responsible for past dues, but interest and penalties that continued to accrue year after year. They also were charged legal fees incurred by filing of the lien. While the HOA was not successful in collecting all delinquent funds, multiple homeowners paid all dues and their accounts are now current. We will continue with the practice of applying liens until all accounts are brought current or a better collection process is identified.

P.J. Morgan and the Board of Directors monitor and document any homeowners that are not following the covenants. The first course of action for non-compliance is a letter addressing the violation to the homeowner. Further non-compliance could result in legal action.

P.J. Morgan Real Estate’s responsibilities include collection of dues, payment of bills, monthly statements to all board members, obtaining bids for contractual services of common areas, mailings, attendance at all Board, Special and Annual meetings. In addition, a property manager will be available for the convenience of all homeowners with regard to comments, suggestions or questions. Your PJ Morgan Property Manager is Cara Woosley and can be reached at