The Board Meeting for Sunrise Homeowners Association was held on February 28, 2020. Board members in attendance for the meeting were Kim, Dave, Tom and Woody. Tim was absent. Kat Betts, the representative from the Management Company was also in attendance.
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was officially called to order at 6:10 pm.
MINUTES: The January meeting minutes were reviewed. One typo that Kat will change, other motion by Dave to approve as written, seconded by Tom, all approved.
FINANCIALS: The Board reviewed all expenses and income for January 2020. There was a concern in regards to the snow removal expenses. Kat will send the Board copies of the invoices. Motion by Tom to approve, seconded by Kim. All approve.
WEBSITE/EMAIL MANAGEMENT: There was a glitch with the website and Woody and Kim were able to repair, and the website is running correctly again.
HOLIDAY LIGHTS/YARD OF THE MONTH: Kat composed a guideline for this program. The Board reviewed and Kat will make some corrections/updates and send to the Board for final approval.
OLD BUSINESS: The Beautification Project is still in progress, more to come at the next board meeting.
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion of a summer/tailgate party on October 4th. Garage sale will be set up for April 23, 24, 25. Kat will create postcards for these two events. More solid information to come next month. Discussion of working more with social media for the community.
BOARD MEETINGS: Next board meeting is March 30, 2020 at 6 pm at Tom’s home.
Adjourned at 7:30 pm motion by Dave.